Joon Pio Hong
Joon Pio Hong MD. Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery
University of Ulsan, Seoul, The Republic of Korea
Asan Medical Center, Seoul, The Republic of Korea
Професор Joon Pio Hong – один зі світових лідерів супрамікрохірургії,
доктор наук, керівник відділення пластичної хірургії в Медичному центрі Асан (Asan
Medical Center) у м. Сеул, Південна Корея.
Спеціалізується на реконструкції стопи діабетика і інших ушкоджень нижніх кінцівок,
маммопластиці та інших видах відновлювально-естетичної пластики, включно після
онкологічних втручань
Dr. Joon Pio Hong is a Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Ulsan
College of Medicine and Asan Medical Center. He has board certification in trauma, hand surgery
and plastic surgery. He received his BS degree from the Yonsei University of College of Medicine
and his MS degree in medicine and PhD degree from the Graduate School of Yonsei University. He
received his MBA on medical management from the University of Southern California at Marshall
School of Business. He is an active member of a number of professional associations, including the
American Society of Plastic Surgery, World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, and Korean
Society of Plastic Surgery. His major work has included research and clinical practice in wound
healing, diabetic foot reconstruction and microsurgery. He is on the editorial board for numerous
journals including the International Wound Journal, Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery,
Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and more. He has been invited to over 60 countries to
present his work and has over 160 publications in this field of practice. In 2015 he was awarded the
‘Godina Travelling Fellowship’ from the American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery.
Надає для участі в конференції 2 лекції
Diabetic foot reconstruction using microsurgery – В, 30 листопада
Using perforator flaps to reconstruct chronic osteomyelitis – С, 30 листопада
та 1 фіксовану доповідь:
The features of perineal wound clothing after oncological resections – Е, 30 листопада